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Electrical Basics for Electrical Peoples


 What is Electricity?

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Introduction to Basic Electricity 

  • Substance in the universe is made up of plenty of atoms.
  • Each atom is made up of negative Electrons = Positive Protons.
  • Protons are immovable & strongly attached to the nucleus of atoms.
  • Electrons are also bounded to atoms & orbit around the nucleus at different distinct levels. 
  • Some of the electrons can move freely or can come out from their orbit due to external influences.
  • These loosely bounded & free electrons are nothing but Electricity.
  • In Neutral Condition Protons & Electrons always equal in any piece of substance. but if  No. of Electrons > No. of Protons then the substance becomes negatively charged. If this condition opposite No. of Electrons < No. of  Protons then the substance becomes positively charged.
  • The concentration of free electrons is always become to be uniform. This means The electrons from Higher electron concentration will move to the body of lower electron concentration. This movement of charge is nothing but Electricity

Basic Terms

  • Electric Charge

Physical Property of the Matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an Electromagnetic Field.

Unit : MKS & SI unit is Coulomb.

  • Electric Current

When a charge flows from one point to another to make uniform charge distribution then the rate at which the charge is flowing called Electric Current.
Unit: Ampere

  • Electric Potential 

 Electric potential is the measurement of the ability of a charged body to do work. The current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the difference of electric potential between at two ends of the conductor. The electric potential can be visualized as the different water levels in two water tanks linked with a pipeline. The speed of water flowing from the higher-headed tank to lower headed tank depends on the level difference or head difference of the water in the tanks not on the quantity of water stored in the tanks. In the same way, the electric current between two bodies depends on the potential difference between two bodies not on the quantity of charge stored in the bodies.

  • Electric Field

Space surround by charged body where another charged body experience a force is called as Electrical Field.